Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Reflection in Empowerment Technology

Empowerment Technology is the study of computers, In my learnings in this subject I cope up a hard time to understand what’s inside and behind of it, but through this subject I’ve learned many lessons and the importance about technology. It is a subject that you were able to apply in any needs. I’m not that kind of person that focusing in Technology it is significantly giving habits that you wanted to do in daily life. I’ve learned using gadgets since I entered technology and applying it. I don’t even know the purpose of Technology, but in that case technology is helping you to communicate person to other person to have a significant relationship to each other. At least now I know how to deal with technologies but it doesn’t mean I like Empowerment Technology there are times that I don’t want to talk with because I can’t relate to the topic. As E-tech introduce the content itself, as my experiences in this subject, we do our performance tasks and discussion, we do many activities such as poster making, blogging, role playing and many more as of Prelims, Midterms, and Finals. It’s hard to be a student when you don’t have any ideas or skills about Information and Communication Technology. I did not choose Tech-Voc track because I know will make me feel hustle.
In my case today as a student together with Information and Communication Technology or Empowerment Technology I can’t say that this is the easy subject to take with but to guide us and discover the world of computer, I feel honored to know a lot of things on this subject and I’m happy to have ideas already about of this subject. I know many of us hate E-Tech but behalf of this we need to learned Empowerment Technology in order for us to know a lot Computer and its part of our academic.
ICT integration in Senior High School Student, as well as the teachers communicate with each other. Information dissemination was made easier and faster with the help of this technologies that I could use for learning. I also became more responsible especially when it comes to my privacy and use of different technologies since I leat5ned how vulnerable my gadgets could be. Though ICT has a lot of opportunities that come with it, also has it challenges. Wi-Fi connection is a major contributor to accessing different lesson and task on the web, so if we do not have connection, we couldn’t open sites nor download files. Another challenge would be laziness. Sometimes, students become lazy in taking down notes because they know that they could just get the notes of their classmates, and to be honest, I am guilty. Students also become dependent on technology when it comes to learning, which makes it’s a challenge brought by ICT.    

Since ICT has it perks and cons, I have learned how to deal with its challenges. Just like what I said earlier, I learned how to be resourceful. If I do not have Wi-Fi, I find ways on how to access internet. Also, instead of me being dependent on technology, I learn through different resources. I also combat my laziness by taking down my own notes, since like what others say, only the writers of the notes can understand them.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Animal Welfare and Rights

Protect the guts, treat them right

                    Each animals deserves to be threaten they even like a human. Animals must be protected and feel them like a family, have you ever wonder, what will be the cause if you'll let yourself hit or give them a hand in such a cruel thing?
      Republic Act 8485 (An act to promote animal welfare in the Philippines, otherwise known as "THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT OF 1998". Animals also be in prior and in a good hand in order for us to look after their safety. Everyday in countries around the world, animals are fighting for their lives. They beaten, and kept in chains to make them perform for humans.The abuse that animals suffer at human hands is heartbreaking, sickening, and infuriating. Animals are counting on compassionate people like you to give them a voice and be their heroes by learning about the issues they face and taking actions. Each of us has the power to save animals from nightmarish and avoid them to suffering from the consequences. Like us, the life of animals are also important it further them to live in our society and be close to them, our community is not just a child friendly but also an animal lover. Like me as a pet lover I treat my pet as the most important thing in my life, let's consider them as part of our life or let's just say FAMILY.

Welfare Vs. Rights

What is animal welfare? Animal welfare, proponents seek to improve the treatment and well being of animals. We should invariably overrule animal interests for human interests, we should not cause animals unnecessary pain or death, we should treat animal as humanely as convenient. We should make stronger animal law.

What is animal rights? Animal right, is a proponents support laws and regulations would prohibit rodeos, horse racing, circuses, hunting life saving medical research using animals, raising of livestock for food, petting zoos, marine parks, breeding of purebred, pets and any use of animals for industry, entertainment, sport or recreation. We should not inflict pain or death on animals, we should abolish animal use, we should treat animals humanely.


Animal Abuse
animal abuse is a worldwide silent epidemic that goeslargely unnoticed until it is too late. The definition ofanimal abuse is the act of intentionally causing the deprivationof shelter, water, food, socialization, medical care or even maiming, torturing, mutilating or killing an animal.

Animal Cruelty 
covers a vast range of behaviors that are harmful to animals. Cruelty ranges from neglect to malicious killing of animals. In the United States and many other countries humane officers of the law investigate animal cruelty cases.  

The most common cause of animal neglect is irresponsible owners who do not spay or neuter their pets despite the free clinics and financial help offered by animal-aid non-profits and who often then end up with unwanted baby animals that eventually are neglected, stray or dead from diseases or automobiles. Another common cause of animal neglect is the impulse purchase of baby animals that they become a burden or a bore when they mature. Responsible,mature people understand that if you don't want or can't care for a pet you should find it a good home or at least contact one of the many shelters available in most parts of the world.They know that animals are not toys and that a pet owner is responsible to see that the animal gets what it needs to survive and thrive.

                                                    -Anthony Douglas Williams


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Role of ICT in EDSA(People Power Revolution)

The People Power Revolution in the Philippines
In 1986 millions of unarmed Filipinos surprised the world by non-violently overthrowing the brutal dictator Ferdinand Marcos, known at the time as "the hitler Southeast Asia". They called their movement "people power', demonstrating in an amazing way the power of active non violence, the power of truth and love, similar to what was seen in the Gandhian freedom struggle in India and the civil rights movements in the united states.

In order for Cory Aquino to mobilize a popular democratic movement, she needed Radio Veritas, a 24 hrs AM radio station operated by the Roman Catholic Church, because it served as the primary communication platform for the democratic opposition. With all other non-government  media shut down. Aquino and her cadres used radio veritas to inform Filipinos political developments and organize them for nonviolent protests, after Ninoy Aquino assassinated, marcos prevented local media from broadcasting news of his death, and Radio Veritas, the only station in the Philippines to carry news of senator Acquino's assassination, galuanized the two million supporters to come to his funeral. According to former President of the University of the Philippines Francisco Nemenzo, "without radio veritas it would have been difficult, if not impossible to mobilize millions of people in a matter of hours".

Credits by:InspiredWriter

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Role of ICT in EDSA Dos

The Edsa Revolution of 2001, also called by the local media as EDSA II (pronounced as Edsa Dos) or the Second People Power Revolution is the common name of the four-day popular revolution that peacefully overthrew Philippine President Joseph Estrada in January 2001. He was succeeded by his then vice president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

On the other hand, a new information and communication technology (ICT)- the mobile phone was the symbol of People Power II Revolution in the Philippines. Arguably, the most lasting image of Ms. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's new Presidency was when, on being asked in a news conference whether a Lt. Gen. Espinosa was planning a coup, She called him up on her mobile phone. In moment of high drama she asked him directly if this was the case and after a brief conversation reported it wasn't.

Mobile phones Technology was not just critical in the day preceding People Power II; It had been important over a number of months. In spring last year. Estrada ordered key government agencies to do something about alleged text-message abusing him. The same week, texters stated passing around messages using an exclamation mark as a symbol to call for an end to the estrada government's corruption, cronyism and incompetence.


Normally used for brief and frivolous communications, the public outrage at the breakdown of the impeachment, the degree of ownership of mobile phones and the networking potential of text messages combined to ensure the Philippines was the location of the first political revolution facilitated by modern ICTs. In the week of People Power II, Philippine Mobile handled over 70 million text messages! As reuters reported on January 24th, technology literally put the power in Filipino people's hand.

ICTs are unlikely to change the main principle of politics. But in particular in less established democracies, this is unlikely to be the last time that the stunning advances in ICTs play a crucial role in helping the people remove a bad leader. The people of the Philippines will have shown one way and for that are should thank the "Text Brigade".
Credits: Julius Court

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Role of ICT in Million People March

The so-called Million People Power was the first of an ongoing series of protests in the Philippines calling for the total abolition of the Pork Barrel fund, triggered by public anger over the priority Development Assistance Fund scam. Initials calls circulated through social media 9mainly on facebook and twitter0 to convence a protest on August 26, 2013 at Luneta Park in Manila as well as other cities nationwide and overseas. Some media commentors consider this as the first ever massive rally in the Philippines called and organized mostly through social media channels.

A facebook entitled "MILLION PEOPLE MARCH TO LUNETA AUGUST 26: SA ARAW NG MGA BAYANI PROTESTA ng BAYAN!!!" was created by Arnold Pedrigal and Bernardo Bernardo using the Power ng Pinoy facebook Page to invite participants the pork barrel fund mess with a Million People March. The facebook status says "what we need is a MILLION PEOPLE MARCH struggling Filipino taxpayers- a day of protest by the silent majority that would demand all politicians and govt. officials (whatever the political stripes, color they may carry) to stop pocketing our taxes borne out from our hard work by means of these pork barrel scams and other creative animal acts".

On the day of the protest itself, the hashtags used by the coordinating group #MillionPeopleMarch and #ScrapPork reportedly trended first in the Philippines to show widespread support for the cause and that a large number of people monitoring the event.

The filipino haktivist group PrivateX defaced at least thirty government websites early on August 26, hours before the main protests. These include the websites of the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Embasy in Rome.
credits by: AsdghjkLOVE :)

Monday, March 13, 2017

Role of ICT in Yolanda Finder

Google ha launched a Person Finder that allows individuals to post messages and search for the status of family and friends affected by the disaster.

On the 8th day of November year 2013, people are living their lives peacefully until a massive tragedy shook their innocent lives.

Typhoon Haiyan, also known as typhoon Yolanda was one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded in the world history. It killed a total number of 6,300 people in the Philippines.

The vast use of ICT had a great impact in terms of informing others on what is happening during the calamity. The typhoon is talked about on social networking sites and the storm became a trend world wide, dubbing that typhoon Yolanda is one of the strongest typhoons in world history.

Google Person Finder is an open source web application that provides a message board for survivors, family, and loved ones affected by a natural disaster to post and search for information about each others status and updates. It was first created by Google enginers in response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

This web application helped thousands of people affected by the typhoon. It is also easy to use just have an access on the internet or send a message on the numbers indicated on the website.

ICT can be a pathway to get access to information, regardless of its content. It improved our way of living, as well as the way we respond with disaster such as Typhoon Yolanda.

ICT helped thousands of people. If it weren't for this innovation, it would be so hard to keep in touch with everyone and everything in the planet. And that is the role of ICT in recent history such as Typhoon Yolanda.
credits by:

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Businees Model Canvas Explained.