Protect the guts, treat them right
Each animals deserves to be threaten they even like a human. Animals must be protected and feel them like a family, have you ever wonder, what will be the cause if you'll let
yourself hit or give them a hand in such a cruel thing?
Republic Act 8485 (An act to promote animal welfare in the Philippines, otherwise known as "THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT OF 1998". Animals also be in prior and in a good hand in order for us to look after their safety. Everyday in countries around the world, animals are fighting for their lives. They beaten, and kept in chains to make them perform for humans.The abuse that animals suffer at human hands is heartbreaking, sickening, and infuriating. Animals are counting on compassionate people like you to give them a voice and be their heroes by learning about the issues they face and taking actions. Each of us has the power to save animals from nightmarish and avoid them to suffering from the consequences. Like us, the life of animals are also important it further them to live in our society and be close to them, our community is not just a child friendly but also an animal lover. Like me as a pet lover I treat my pet as the most important thing in my life, let's consider them as part of our life or let's just say FAMILY.
Welfare Vs. Rights
What is animal welfare? Animal welfare, proponents seek to improve the treatment and well being of animals. We should invariably overrule animal interests for human interests, we should not cause animals unnecessary pain or death, we should treat animal as humanely as convenient. We should make stronger animal law.
What is animal rights? Animal right, is a proponents support laws and regulations would prohibit rodeos, horse racing, circuses, hunting life saving medical research using animals, raising of livestock for food, petting zoos, marine parks, breeding of purebred, pets and any use of animals for industry, entertainment, sport or recreation. We should not inflict pain or death on animals, we should abolish animal use, we should treat animals humanely.
Animal Abuse
animal abuse is a worldwide silent epidemic that goeslargely unnoticed until it is too late. The definition ofanimal abuse is the act of intentionally causing the deprivationof shelter, water, food, socialization, medical care or even maiming, torturing, mutilating or killing an animal.
Animal Cruelty
covers a vast range of behaviors that are harmful to animals. Cruelty ranges from neglect to malicious killing of animals. In the United States and many other countries humane officers of the law investigate animal cruelty cases.
The most common cause of animal neglect is irresponsible owners who do not spay or neuter their pets despite the free clinics and financial help offered by animal-aid non-profits and who often then end up with unwanted baby animals that eventually are neglected, stray or dead from diseases or automobiles. Another common cause of animal neglect is the impulse purchase of baby animals that they become a burden or a bore when they mature. Responsible,mature people understand that if you don't want or can't care for a pet you should find it a good home or at least contact one of the many shelters available in most parts of the world.They know that animals are not toys and that a pet owner is responsible to see that the animal gets what it needs to survive and thrive.
-Anthony Douglas Williams
Republic Act 8485 (An act to promote animal welfare in the Philippines, otherwise known as "THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT OF 1998". Animals also be in prior and in a good hand in order for us to look after their safety. Everyday in countries around the world, animals are fighting for their lives. They beaten, and kept in chains to make them perform for humans.The abuse that animals suffer at human hands is heartbreaking, sickening, and infuriating. Animals are counting on compassionate people like you to give them a voice and be their heroes by learning about the issues they face and taking actions. Each of us has the power to save animals from nightmarish and avoid them to suffering from the consequences. Like us, the life of animals are also important it further them to live in our society and be close to them, our community is not just a child friendly but also an animal lover. Like me as a pet lover I treat my pet as the most important thing in my life, let's consider them as part of our life or let's just say FAMILY.
What is animal welfare? Animal welfare, proponents seek to improve the treatment and well being of animals. We should invariably overrule animal interests for human interests, we should not cause animals unnecessary pain or death, we should treat animal as humanely as convenient. We should make stronger animal law.
What is animal rights? Animal right, is a proponents support laws and regulations would prohibit rodeos, horse racing, circuses, hunting life saving medical research using animals, raising of livestock for food, petting zoos, marine parks, breeding of purebred, pets and any use of animals for industry, entertainment, sport or recreation. We should not inflict pain or death on animals, we should abolish animal use, we should treat animals humanely.
Animal Abuse
animal abuse is a worldwide silent epidemic that goeslargely unnoticed until it is too late. The definition ofanimal abuse is the act of intentionally causing the deprivationof shelter, water, food, socialization, medical care or even maiming, torturing, mutilating or killing an animal.
Animal Cruelty
covers a vast range of behaviors that are harmful to animals. Cruelty ranges from neglect to malicious killing of animals. In the United States and many other countries humane officers of the law investigate animal cruelty cases.
The most common cause of animal neglect is irresponsible owners who do not spay or neuter their pets despite the free clinics and financial help offered by animal-aid non-profits and who often then end up with unwanted baby animals that eventually are neglected, stray or dead from diseases or automobiles. Another common cause of animal neglect is the impulse purchase of baby animals that they become a burden or a bore when they mature. Responsible,mature people understand that if you don't want or can't care for a pet you should find it a good home or at least contact one of the many shelters available in most parts of the world.They know that animals are not toys and that a pet owner is responsible to see that the animal gets what it needs to survive and thrive.
-Anthony Douglas Williams
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